After being back in Iowa for almost two years, I’m super excited to be heading back to Jalingo, Nigeria on Sunday to do some work with a team through the Iowa-Nigeria Partnership of the United Methodist Church. While I’m a little uncertain about the exact nature of the work I will be doing, I know it will include some computer and leadership training of the church leaders, checking out the EmpowHER micro-lending program that was recently implemented, celebrating the high school graduation with the students that I taught and last, but certainly not least, to catch up with some near and dear friends while I’m there. Please pray for our group over the next month that our work and interactions with the people of Nigeria will positively impact one another.
As I was running around getting my packing done at the last minute before heading to Omaha to celebrate my cousin Beth’s wedding (Yay and Congrats!) I was reflecting on how different the preparations are this time returning to familiar territory as opposed to embarking blindly into the unknown. I know that toilet paper and laundry detergent are available 10 steps outside the compound where I’ll be staying and aren’t necessary to pack. I know that my friends LOVE the little Crystal Light drink mixes and will be excited to get some. I know that despite my strong desire to pack sweat shirts, sweaters and fleeces due to freezing everywhere inside in the US, they are rarely needed in Nigeria! I know how quickly things can change everywhere, so I’m looking forward to seeing how things have evolved and progressed since I’ve been away.
It was a big deal for my parents to send me off to Nigeria for a year that first time (much bigger for them than for me!) However, I think I prepared them well because this time, they keep saying, “at least it’s only for 5 weeks!” Additionally, my time in Nigeria has made them thankful that I signed a contract to teach in El Salvador, which is in the same time zone, and has constant electricity! :) Perspective is everything.
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