Gembu is the first Nigerian city I’ve had the opportunity to begin to understand the processing and distribution of water at a municipal level. We visited the water treatment facility and were able to talk with a man in charge. (We are officially nerds not only because we wanted to go, but we both thoroughly enjoyed it!) They were just sitting by the plant and happily obliged to provide a tour. He walked us around and describing how the water gets pumped from the bore hole well to the sedimentation tanks, through the filtration vats, then treated with carbonate, alum and chlorine and finally pumped to a large reservoir in the middle of the city for distribution. I was really impressed. While the facility in Gembu was significantly smaller, it incorporated many of the same basic steps that I saw being utilized at the water treatment facility used in San Antonio. (Doesn’t everyone visit their local water treatment facilities?) :)
However, I did become somewhat disenfranchised when I was told that it hasn’t been working for 6 months due to a lack of fuel allocation from the state for the massive generator that powers the entire process. They were hopeful based on recent news that fuel should be coming within the week. Without a constant electricity source, development falters even when the other infrastructure pieces are successfully in place. I truly hope they are able to get the system back up and running soon so that more people are drinking safe and treated water.
Interesting on how they do their water plants over there compared to the US and what we take for granted! So interesting that you are able to show us the difference!