Sunday, March 18, 2012

Long Silence

February 7th was the last time I blogged. That is a little behind the one blog per week that I had been aiming for. I think adventuring seems to have gotten in the way of reflecting or sharing. Since the last post here’s a brief overview of the happenings

*My friend Amy from Michigan came to visit for a long weekend! She gave me my first taste of hosting here in El Salvador. It was wonderful to see her!

*I went with some friends to Isla Ometepe in Nicaragua with some friends to run a 25K up a volcano!

*We had a random 3-day weekend at school, so we went to the Mayan ruins of Tikal in northeast Guatemala!

*My long-time friend and former roommate Angie came for a week to visit during which time we stayed at the beach, and I drove for the first time as we explored some of the mountain towns and got lost on every one-way road in San Salvador. We’re basically navigating rockstars if your standard is eventually reaching your destination…even if it’s closed!

*At school, I agreed to be National Honor Society Sponsor for next year and therefore was involved in the selection process this year. I’m looking forward to the built-in service opportunities this will provide!

*I went through the formal evaluation process at school including 8,000 observations and written reflections over everything. Who doesn’t love evaluations?! :)

*All sponsor documents, nearly 50 double-sided pages of difficult to acquire official information, were collected and have been sent to Nigeria in hopes of helping Ezekiel secure a visa to come to the US to visit this summer!

Each of these events contains a multitude of stories that I want to remember so my mission over the next few weeks is to get some of the most memorable parts of these happenings written down so that this crazy eventful time isn’t forgotten! This is a unique chapter in my life that is affording me the opportunity, friends, time and just enough financial resources to have some amazing experiences, so I’m taking advantage of it while I can!

1 comment:

  1. It all sounds so exciting for you! Glad your friends were able to come down to visit you and explore many different places!! Interesting on the paper work needed for Ezekiel to come to the states this summer! Glad to read of your newest blog posting!!! I always look forward to them and enjoy reading of your life's adventures!
