Saturday, June 18, 2011

Facebook vs Facetime

Back home I’m an avid user of Facebook to keep in touch with many friends all over the world and I really enjoy it. However, that said, I’ve currently gone 3 days without any electronic communication (despite my best efforts today to secure a phone number…another story for another time). Typically, this would be driving me crazy making me feel so disconnected with the world as I believe it did when I first arrived in Nigeria. Typically, I check my email no fewer than 3 times a day and really, each evening when I’m home, I’m in a constant state of checking email and Facebook continuously while attempting to also be electronically productive. Most of this is done to maintain relationships to the people that are important to me. After checking the Facebook newsfeed for the 4th time that night it has gone from relationship maintenance to obsessive and time wasting.

Today, I got face time with so many great people from Iowa team members, my former principal and bookkeeper from my Nigerian school, one of my best friends in the world Helen John and her fabulous sisters, co-worker and friend Asper stopped by. I was able to rekindle old relationships with shopkeepers and vendors that I’d frequented here and have dinner with great friend Ezekiel and see his family. It was non-stop with visitors, random encounters and meeting new people through working together. I loved it! Granted, an outdoor, market-type society makes it easier to stop and chat with people compared with the US where you go from your isolated, air conditioned car to your isolated, air conditioned house. Being back here is rekindling my desire to try to get more unplanned, casual face time than Facebook time in my next chapter of life in El Salvador.


  1. What?! You hid your blog from me for this long?

  2. Love the revelation, but you better facebook every once in a while because we miss you already!!

  3. That last post was Sarah L. BTW.....

  4. So glad to be able to see how your journey is going! Stay safe, have a great time!
    sue v.

  5. i always envy your outlook on life. always so positive with everything. i think some of that rubbed off on me and being in the army and in crappy situations, i have needed the positiveness. however, this places makes me have the ability to not wait any longer to get back to america and civilization!
    i hope your enjoy your time carolyn!
